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Despite a number of court cases decsions made against racist nazi sympathizer members of Parforce (the organization responsible for creating Goring biography) Albert Smith in full knowledge of the allegations made against him and the courts verdict made against Parforce has yet to resign from the NUJ and at this present moment in time still persists in continiung to advertise his services through Linkedin as Parpoint now know to be derived from (PAR)force and Focal(Point).

His own sick copyrighted material found printed within a holocaust denial publication descibing the book in its digital format as a good offering and his refusal to stop using the name Parpoint must be dealt with within a legal perspective.

The NUJ itself as an organization should not allow Parforce a registered racist organization to use its own members copyright without removing the member responcible as allowing a member to behave in such a capacity reflects upon the entire membership of all journalists within the NUJ.It is worth noting here that it was Guardian journalist Owen Jones who exposed Conservative MP Gove as owning Parforce litarature some time ago that caused outrage amongst newspaper columnists and bloggers and NUJ members alike !

To allow one member to behave like this in theory provides others who may share smiths beliefs should their be others like him,to follow down the same perlis road.

In these circumstances we contest his credability as a NUJ member and as follows claim he is not a fit and proper person that should be allowed to remain within the NUJ and subsequently are of the belief that a form of appropriate legal action is accoringly required as to remove as others have described an unaccountable acting “racists sympathizer”

Unless the NUJ themselves alter their belief about this evil journalists contemptous behaviour then they too will be seen in the same shaded light.

More importantly though and a more concerning issue is that the evidence provided hereby compiled by John Edwards demonstrates that the NUJ themselves have failed to grasp the seriousness of allowing a racists sympathizer in these circumstances to remain within their organization,infact we are of the belief that this itself is an issue that should be taken a lot further despite any future decisions they themselves make concerning Smiths apparent legal rights to remain within this organization.

This is an undoubtedly an episode in British Journalisitic history and not an event that shall remain to be ignored or more preciesly left out of political historians diaries it should indeed be landmarked for exactly what this is an attempted cover up to say the very least.Both Craig Murrays (wikileaks) removal from the NUJ and the failure not of Albert Smiths unchallenged status as a member cast serious doubts over the mental capacity of the NUJ leadership period.

Simplified as follows the NUJ themselves should remove members who appear inside of and endorse
publications that are racist,antisemitic,Holocaust denial and damaging to religious beliefs and religious persons when they are exposed and refuse to resign from the organization itself.Failing this outcome the NUJ should be questioned at higher levels as to their own integritry and arguablely legal actions taken against such an acting authority should they purposely fail to remove such named and described journalists