Comrade ElectricCraze

Joined May 14, 2018

Communism is the only way forward! ☭

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2121d · US Politics/Trump
2121d · US Politics/Trump
2121d · US Politics/Trump
bash the fash
2121d · Marx
we must bring this topic back to life
2121d · Capitalism
anyone that espouses filthy capitalist propaganda will go to my gulag
set profile 2122d
Communism is the only way forward! ☭
set name to Comrade ElectricCraze 2122d
set profile pic 2122d
set profile pic 2122d
2122d · Capitalism
Anarcho-communism is the only way forward. ¡A las Barricadas!
2171d · Marx
2171d · Capitalism
(and by "their labor" I mean their employees' labor)
2171d · Capitalism
If the bourgeoise deems their labor to be valuable they should be paid what their labor is worth.
2171d · Capitalism
Profit is theft from the workers.
replied 2173d
Good because he's an idiot lol #MarxFTW #DAB
replied 2173d
Bitcoin Faucet
plz daddy so I can redistribute the wealth
2173d · Capitalism
There no donations here but there are over at the Marx topic lol
random liker
2173d · Bitcoin Cash Toilet
Flush some BCH away, donate to a random in this thread
2173d · Marx
Oh and this is my first time on this website, hello fellow marxists!
2173d · Marx
Alienation of the workers through specialisation is a bad thing
A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism.
replied 2173d
set name to 2173d