
Joined May 10, 2018

Supporter of free speech, freedom and Bitcoin (BCH) - the better bitcoin.

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replied 1828d
It is, I’ve used it frequently for over a year now... there are several improvement they could/should make but yeah it’s the best mobile (iOS) wallet out there for BCH IMO...
Coretards are submitting false 1 star review for the Bitcoin.com wallet app both in the appstore and playstore.

Make sure to submit your review and make a comment too.

#BitcoinCash #Bitcoin.com
1828d · BCH Speculation
BCH is still a lot more volatile but it keeps building up real usage AKA market depts.
Haven't been getting much engagement on my last couple of posts. At least with memo I can be rest assured it's because the quality of the posts and not due to censorship. #dailymemo
GoT (SPOILERS!!!) would Bitcoin have saved the day?

Recapping GoT w/ Crypto Brekkie, BitBoy, Crypto Euclid, Mystical Oaks, Will Pangman, Tone Vays, Chelsea Palmer, Young Dumb Crypto & more
Pls follow me I want new frens : D
replied 1829d
Thanks for reporting. As others have mentioned this is an issue with the faucet. Unfortunately it is not a quick fix. Hopefully we can update the tip calculation soon.
The flexa app stores the funds on the Gemini Exchange. So they are not you keys. Forget that. One hack and your money is gone.
looking like the sell off is over. On to 500 now .
replied 1829d
Strange bug. I will test of it has been fixed.
replied 1829d
ill top you up a bit
1829d · memo
BCH: 398373-397747=626 memo txs. num of txs📉16.4%, account for 0.9% of all BCH txs(71614)
BSV: 758396-758110=286 memo txs, num of txs📉38.2%, account for 1.4% of all BSV txs(20417)
Today only proved again how resilient Bitcoin Cash is. I'd like to see any other coin get attacked as much as BCH and survive. If BCH is going to topple the current financial system, it needs to be tested. #dailymemo