
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Proof of Work will set you free

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2075d · ABC is DOA
Cautious miners aren't going to commit to radical protocol changes. Enjoy watching the Bitmain pool get drained when SV opens their pool.
2075d · ABC is DOA
When they're trying to convince us that SV is the one making radical changes, you know they got nothing. Their node count is dropping and SV's official binaries aren't even out yet.
2077d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
Try as trolls will, they just can't sell the idea that anti-Bitcoin, jackboot-loving losers like Greg Maxwell and Emin Sirer are telling the truth.
2077d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
Greg Maxwell, for people who don't know, is a Blockstream<-AXA<-Bilderburg employee that ran Bitcoin Core into the Segshithole it is in now. He is wrong about SV code.
2079d · Bitcoin ABC Conspiracy Theories?
Bear in mind that we would only have 1 chain for real bitcoin if Jihan hadn't mined segwit
2079d · Bitcoin ABC Conspiracy Theories?
It all fits. All the weird tweets from Jihan about bch not being bitcoin make sense now.
2080d · Proof of Burn
Proof of Burn is just nonsense.
2081d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
Good to see Falkvinge placing himself firmly on the wrong side of history.
2081d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
Gozira, you're an idiot. He posted that in response to Vitalik saying he couldn't code 'Hello World'. Troll harder!!
2082d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
keep trolling. You're doing great!
2082d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
keep the personal attacks coming - they add to the daily BCH transaction count!
2082d · #911Truth
problem with Judy Wood 'energy weapons' theory is that it relies on falsified data. Namely, fake images put out by the media.
2082d · #911Truth
The key to 911 is discovering that no planes were used. Watch September Clues.
2082d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
majorpayne, you and your buddies have spent so much time circle-jerking each other in your lodges you forgot how to be normal human beings. You don't realize no one likes you.
2082d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
My guess is you live in a bubble with your other drugged-out troll buddies.
2082d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
your foul mouth kinda displays what type of person you are. Its not persuasive to anyone.
2082d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
sure you are. Take a look at Bitmains patents
2083d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
yep, someone has broke their oath to me.
2083d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
majorpayne is a fake free market anarchist. His use of a pirate logo is to let other freemasons know he's a brother.
created poll 2083d
Are the troll brigades on r/btc attacking CSW or ABC?
The trolls are mostly anti-CSW, pro-ABC/Bitmain 10 votes (9 unique) · 0 satoshis
The trolls are mostly anti-Bitmain, pro-CSW/nchain 6 votes (5 unique) · 0 satoshis


ew...who's he making out with?
2086d · QAnon
That's a great clip for explaining different types of propaganda. Lump verifiable stuff like the Clintons' human trafficking with flat earth? - classic CIA!
2087d · Pizzagate
2088d · Fire Amaury Sechet
ABC is pretty desperate to push these changes that haven't even been tested according to ABC's own quality standards. What does that tell anyone with half a brain?
2088d · Fire Amaury Sechet
Miners are going to vote. Now that there are multiple implementations, its going to work just like originally intended.