
Joined Sep 01, 2018

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replied 1990d
You realize BSV broke BCH transaction record by DOUBLE right?
replied 1988d
I’m seeing strongest investors fighting to preserve the Bitcoin system, fiercely resisting protocol change, pushing massive blocks, selling ABC, buying BSV. If wrong, go broke.
The Fivebucks BSV transition is complete.

- 0-conf payments are much faster (thanks to MB)
- All user balances were converted to BSV
- Withdrawals are active
1988d · Bitcoin SV
BSV up against Jihan/Roger/Haipo/Jiang/Coinbase/Kraken/Reddit and still plowed through. That’s power!
1992d · Bitcoin SV
Markets don’t like the changes amaury is doing. Abc price got absolutely crushed post fork even though ABC “won” the ticker. That should be a huge red flag
1992d · Bitcoin Cash
1992d · Bitcoin Cash
I want everyone to succeed. I’m only saying I have my fortune in BSV.
1992d · Bitcoin Cash
And ABC made a new low in price again today. That price action is collective voice of investors. And seems they are not happy as a whole
En Fri Mand
Test BSV
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1992d
Last time I checked SV was ahead in block height.
Plus when you put checkpoints in you basically admit defeat.
You don't get to decide when its over by putting in a checkpoint.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1992d
Adding op codes no body asked for and that are not in the white paper.
Adding pre consensus. (Avalanche)
Adding Checkpoints.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1992d
Not during a fork.
Listen we've been through this already for 7 years.
Nobody is buying your shilling, as you can clearly see from the bch price chart.
1993d · Bitcoin Cash
ABC made a brand new LOW today. Why bag HODLers don’t get it?
Is #memo running on Bitcoin these days or ABCensorcoin?
1992d · Bitcoin Cash
Markets don’t like the changes amaury is doing. Abc price got absolutely crushed post fork even though ABC “won” the ticker. That should be a huge red flag
Sk8eM dUb
replied 1992d
I challenge any ABC supporter to give me solid elevator pitch for that coin. I'm not sure what it's for or what it's unique value proposition is. "We have the smartest devs" is taken.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1992d
CSW didn't attack BCH, Roger and Jihan did by forking away from the white paper, and removing nakamoto consensus.
If it wasn't for them BCH would be over $1000 right now.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1992d
Here is a graph showing the leadership skills of Roger and Jihan from the day Bitcoin Cash forked.
1994d · Bitcoin SV
BSV only crypto up 6% today, other top ten red. #SatoshiPower
replied 1993d
A few more weeks an we will have left BAB coin far behind :D Then its time to kill the biggest scam of them all (BTC)
1994d · Bitcoin SV
Core said we can’t, ABC said we can’t, SV says we WILL, watch us.
replied 1993d
LAMO, the latest news is BCH sub 160.-
replied 1994d
sounds more like a threat than FUD...
1994d · Bitcoin SV
Wondering if Satoshi left Bitcoin to focus on Metanet?
replied 1993d
LOL, BTC will go to zero, thats for sure.