Vigorous Mike

Joined Apr 24, 2018

Bitcoin enthusiast since 2012; but got dismayed in 2015, until now!.
BCH app/project tester, adviser, advertising/promoter & new application proposals.
Long time cruncher for BOINC projects.
A Linux systems only man.

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2160d · Christianity
Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye?

Matthew 7:4
People tell me - they like Bitcoin, but keep away from it because they fear gov clampdown. I then ask: "but are you happy with system we're under?", "God no!", I then say: "you're perpetuating the system, NO CHANGES".
"For pessimist people that say... there will always be wars. I say, yes if you keep paying your taxes - therefore you're part of the problem!" - Unknown
2134d · Capitalism
replied 2134d
Very low hashrate on SegWit blocks is dangerous - SegWit has achieved nothing by removing witness scripts outside of Tx headers!. Bitcoin (before SegWit) was designed min of 4 miners.
followed 2134d
replied 2134d
Would say BTC is dead closer to $3000. At the least it would kill a huge amount of miners, close to 70% - reducing hash rate heavily. Not a security concern on BCH as no SegWit blocks.
Often people in power get all glory and protection, but probably make worst decisions. The most intelligent you don't see - they should be in power; but there intelligence isolates them. Conformity limits progress!.
replied 2134d
Got it - thanks!.
2135d · ASPIC (Application Specific Photonic Integrated Circuit)
In, under "Account", where it say "Delete Account". How can you delete account if the blockchain is immutable i.e. permanent recorded data. (Or should I ask, does "Delete Account" just delete link to data?).
set profile 2135d
Bitcoin enthusiast since 2012; but got dismayed in 2015, until now!.
BCH app/project tester, adviser, advertising/promoter & new application proposals.
Long time cruncher for BOINC projects.
A Linux systems only man.
replied 2135d
Note: When I say Bitcoin, I ALWAYS MEAN BCH.
Quote of the day: "In the future, the biggest mistake in human history will be the people who stayed clear from Bitcoin" - Vigorous Mike
replied 2135d
Eckhardt Tolle comes in handy for this
leave the phone next to the speaker,
and hear

the power of now.
replied 2135d
I apply the same technique to nuisance phone calls, answer - saying "Hi" put it on secrecy mode off the hook, leaving them talking to themselves! :D; wasting breath, time and money!.
By just replying back to the opposition [not naming names] you're giving them ammunition. Don't reply; so the opposition will only here there own S**T, because its whats in them! - they just listening to themselves!.
replied 2135d
With posts on both sides it couldn't be more clearer than ever, BCH is Bitcoin - even a noob could tell!. BTC related posts seem VERY OPINIONATED with TALK, & in a way secretive too!.
On Twitter I follow Blockstream, Bitcoin Core and Adam Back (As well as BCH community), NOT because I support them, BUT because I believe its healthy to compare the opposition, So I am better informed without bias...
replied 2135d
By just using memo is compliments on its own!. (Its quite simple, if there is purpose and it can be used as matter of 'fact' - that overrides all opinions/talk; because talk is cheap).
replied 2135d
You claimed BCH would be gone in months. You clearly don't stand behind that. Now you are making bets out to 2021? LMAO. it completely shows you are full of shit.
Bitcoin (BCH) is the most honest, robust and efficient financial system we've ever had in history!. In the face for people that say Bitcoin is used by criminals; ITS QUITE THE OPPOSITE!. Fiat money is for criminals!.
Thought of the day: BCH is the most energy efficient blockchain ever!. Because BCH is all in one, not 'just' a currency but its smart contracts & apps on global scale is highly EFFICIENT compared to existing systems.
My graphic manipulation skills (A pic a day) - Terminator T1001: