
Joined May 02, 2018

Free markets, free minds and incorruptible money.

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2120d · Capitalism
Yeah, the EU is nuts. They are quickly moving toward an internet that is just as unfree as the Chinese they despise.
2120d · Capitalism
By the time the government gets around to doing anything about the Youtube / Twitter problem the market will likely have solved the problem, though it would be funny to see some action.
2120d · Capitalism
Mind sharing that link to "resource based economy" here, LR? We need a good laugh.
2120d · Capitalism
This is why left leaning anarchist types are such a joke to anyone with an adult perspective of the world, they are defeated by their own ridiculous ideology before they even get started.
2120d · Capitalism
LightRider knew about Bitcoin in 2011 yet didn't actually hoard any because she doesn't believe in money. Top kek, self-defeating socialist retardation strikes again.
2120d · Capitalism
In any case, I have to get back to work. People are depending on me to provide for them and it feels good to be productive and needed! 😊
2120d · Capitalism
So pathetic: everything good that you could accomplished is immediately shot down because "capitalism" I can't believe you cannot see the psychospiritual poison you have fed yourself.
2120d · Capitalism
Yeah, charity definitely didn't exist in primitive societies. /s Do you even listen to yourself?
2120d · Capitalism
Keep deflecting your personal failures with delusions of "evil capitalists" and "exploitation" you will ultimately destroy nothing except yourself. Good riddance. The world deserves better.
2120d · Capitalism
You have nothing but excuses and you are so bitter you even insult those who actually take action to help rather than face the reality that you cannot help anyone because you are a failure.
2120d · Capitalism
I have donated more time and resources to charity than you have probably ever possessed in your lifetime, because I actually have the ability to DO things and BUILD things.
2120d · Capitalism
"Complicit fuck" lol you have no clue how many people I feed, clothe and take care of because I actually go out and do work. If you want real respect then get out and take of someone you love.
2120d · Capitalism
Well I tried. At least a record of your misery can remain here as a warning to others. I hope you snap out of your delusion someday, but not everyone is redeemable.
2120d · Capitalism
Pick up a shovel like the rest of us and build something, or in your case find someone you love with whom you can actually build a better future. Build, build, build. You doom yourself otherwise
2120d · Capitalism
Just another baseless assertion that you use to fortify yourself against the reality that the world is passing you by as you sit here and fume about your pathetic situation instead of acting.
2120d · Capitalism
The planet isn't dying. What a stupid thing to claim without any real data. The planet and our civilization will still be here chugging along into the far future.
2120d · Capitalism
What a joke. You have no clue.
2120d · Capitalism
You actually sit here and claim that the material condition of most people has not improved DRASTICALLY over the last hundred years and then tell other users to "fuck off and read a book"
2120d · Capitalism
better than you is somehow the devil. Leftist mental illness in a nutshell, really. /2
2120d · Capitalism
You do realize that graph takes into account inflation. In any case, see? You have erected perfect mental defenses against anything that challenges your silly narrative that everyone who does /1
2120d · Capitalism
All you do is stand on the sidelines and fling shit. Poorly reasoned talking points and falsehoods you absorbed from your Twitter junkfood diet.
2120d · Capitalism
2120d · Capitalism
You are envious, LightRider. I know your type. You protect your fragile ego from your own personal failures by blaming "the system" against all reason. It's pathetic.
2120d · Capitalism
You have no clue how the majority of people on this planet used to live before the Western codification of property brought us so much abundance. No clue.
2120d · Capitalism
Keep making that empty claim, LR. Nobody with even a passing understanding of history will take such silly rhetoric seriously. That's all you have. You are nothing but an impotent ball of envy.