
Joined May 02, 2018

Free markets, free minds and incorruptible money.

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2104d · Capitalism
LR really jumping the shark here. (Seriously, get help.) Will be ignoring going forward. He/she/it can keep foaming at the mouth in isolation. Molon labe, I'm out.
2104d · Donald Trump Rapes and Murders Children
so, why were her parents so reckless? Parents here get charged if they leave their child in a hot car. But those dragging their toddler across a desert get a pass?!
2104d · Donald Trump Rapes and Murders Children
>people dont take care of themselves >expect others to solve their problems >societies fault. different story same weak, childish argument, lr.
2104d · Capitalism
really pretty image of the andromeda galaxy https://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic1502a/
2104d · Capitalism
@DarkspaceCEO That's the first I've heard someone assert that we are likely the first and there is no filter. How do ya figure?
2104d · Capitalism
Is the great filter before us or behind us, my gut tells me it is before us but my hearth says that it is behind, wishful thinking perhaps.
2104d · Memo App
Memo notifications!! https://imgur.com/gallery/mqySWlo
2104d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
2104d · LightRider is a shill working for ShareBlue.
LR is not a shill, he's just an intellectually stunted useful idiot zeitgeister who gloms onto the laziest ideologies. No brain no job. just another leftist NPC
700,000+ BCH transactions today. Fireworks to celebrate Bitcoin Independence Day
2104d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
stresstest shows that some nodes are still capped at 8MB and others at 2MB.
Happy Bitcoin Cash Day!

Today marks 1 Year since the #BitcoinRebirth

Thanks to the whole #BitcoinCash community for supporting the true vision of #Bitcoin as peer-to-peer electronic cash!
replied 2107d
Did not know it was an edit The original looks so much better, Jesus has actual eyes, an expression, it is not cropped, and the it is better balanced.
replied 2107d
I started on memo.cash this weekend and am very excited to check this platform out. Been on Steemit but have recently learned the rich history of BTC vs. BCH. BCH is clearly the way
What’s the difference between Bitcoin and NASA?
Bitcoin’s going back to the moon.
If Bill Gates had a penny for every time I had to reboot my computer ...oh wait, he does.
2106d · Bitcoin Cash
Iran's Bitcoin Volume Soars as Rial Value Enters 'Death Spiral' http://www.coinness.info/en-gb/newsflash/detail/85065
2106d · Bitcoin Cash
hello all! awesome to be a part of this site and community. :) I'm a part of the BTC.com team. BTC.com provides a BCH wallet, block explorer and mining pool. ;)
2110d · China
北京美國大使館外發生爆炸 煙霧瀰漫
2105d · China
深圳暫停法人單位買商品房 家庭買房3年內不得轉讓
2105d · memo
Yesterday 167933-167217=716 memo transactions. Number of transactions📉27.5%. Tomorrow is the independent day of BCH🎉
2106d · Capitalism
Most people have good intentions about the wealth disparity but their anger/judgement is misplaced. The government and Federal Reserve are the real reasons
2106d · Capitalism
This is where cryptocurrency comes in. If we remembered that its supposed to be a currency not some speculative tool for the moon and lambos we might make some progress
2106d · Bitcoin Cash
LN is a Bottleneck for Development on Bitcoin-Legacy, while Bitcoin-Cash is Blooming https://old.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/8zyr77/lightning_network_is_a_bottleneck_for_development/