
Joined Sep 03, 2018

Bitcoin has forked to preserve its quality as "peer-to-peer electronic cash". Forking is a way to upgrade the protocol and resolve contentious disputes.

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replied 1731d
Bitcoin: peer to peer electronic cash.

Also, some political events (Ross, Wikileaks, Snowden, Manning, Reality, internet censorship, patents etc)
1731d · Baby Badger (BAB) Faucet
Comment in this thread to get some Baby Badgers. Only provide a simpleledger: address if you want me to send the BABs to an address other than your Memo-linked one.
replied 1732d

Being uneducated has ALWAYS been the state that unenlightened governments preferred their subjects to be in.
hodl muh meems

replied 1732d
It had horrible grammar problems which I've not seen with the real Satoshi.
The BCCI angle and the badly shopped images were cringe, as was hosting on a cheap server that went down.
replied 1733d
Until a real financial crisis. Then some more might wake up to discover why Bitcoin was created in the first place.
replied 1733d
I blame 🍺 for getting me to purchase a BAB to see how it would affect the market cap ;-)

But yeah, the token pages would greatly profit from favorites, selectable sorts & search
From my "checkmate, smallblocker" list of arguments:

They like to bring the fact that BCH currently has smaller blocks than BTC.

If you put it that way...
1737d · Airdrops
Bitcoin Cash is the real son of a bit. #dailymemo
The richest nations will fight Bitcoin adoption the hardest.

Real adoption comes from the grass roots.
Bitcoin is not helicopter money, it is proof of work money.
replied 1738d
How about UK lead by example?
Pushing down alts is free.

Print tether. Buy alts. Sell alts at a loss, pushing them down.
Print more tethers. Rinse and repeat.

Because users USDT to just pump BTC is a bit conspicuous.
Convenient payment with WeChat app?
Think again.
BMAP.CASH, if you really liked my posts 100 times or so, and didn't just have a bug in whatever software or process you used to like them, then please don't like them *that* much in future. If it's a bug, it was funny
replied 1755d

As in, Bitcoin Cash and its future descendents, going their own way and showing that (hard)forking is a way to resolve contentious disputes in Bitcoin.
replied 1756d
WTF indeed.

Open source projects need to take steps to protect themselves against this craziness by Github/Microsoft.
replied 1779d
"and Women's World Banking"

I've counted it twice and arrive at 28, even in the original.

Should one be concerned that the Committee on Financial Services cannot count properly?