
Joined Apr 15, 2018

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) lover. Mathematics, physics, nomadic lifestyle junkie

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Where's a good place to see statistics on different use of SV Memo.cash versus ABC Memo.cash? I'm curious how many use one versus the other.
Are people using the sv side or the non-split version?

I don't have any more non-split coins.
2005d · btcfork's Twitter unblock requests
Yeah I was wondering why you blocked me? Maybe mute me . . . but I was surprised to get the block.
Hoping memo.cash follows the SV chain.
$The_BCH_Boys ‏ are right. Since ABC is the majority chain for the last 24 hours they should kill off the minority chain for the security of their users.
Where in the world is Okminer?
Thank you Memo.cash for using unified coin for transactions.
So does Memocash still work? It seems like it.
I'm actually quite looking forward to the Bitcoin Cash hashwar.

A great Satoshi experiment.

Let the side with the greatest hashpower win!
Very glad that Memo.cash is following Ryan Charles' Switzerland anti-split approach. More and more apps are following his lead.
methinks we need a prefix action code for magnet links. If torrents come together with Bitcoin Cash, the sky is the limit.
Now we need an easy way to put torrents on the BCH blockchain. Bye bye Pirate Bay
When conversation is censored, creativity dies.

Join the conversation. Bitcoin Cash.

Join 2,680,984 other freedom lovers. Get a wallet.

.@bitchute I think you can benefit a lot by working with Bitcoin Cash @rogerkver @BitcoinCom If users can pay content providers (and your site) in Bitcoin Cash (BCH) it would be awesome
One of the disadvantages of Memo is no edit or delete possibilities. Perhaps there is a work around? Maybe posts can be tagged so that memo doesn't see them anymore? @memo.cash
Very encouraging that Bitmain is betting so much on Bitcoin Cash.🧐

They are incredibly smart and they are not the gambling kind.

2098d · Global Bitcoin Cash Roll
Perhaps September 1 :-)
2098d · Wallets
What is you guys favorite wallet? Mine's still Bitcoin.com
2098d · Moneybutton
Coming tomorrow. Anyone else excited?
Money button is coming tomorrow! Oh yeah! The world will never be the same again.

More freedom for all.
128mb this November seems like a no-brainer. That or no cap.

Let's put this cash on rocket fuel.
Why is the latest blockpress post from 20 days ago? Did something happen?
We need to get everyone booted of Twitter on both the right and the left on to memo.cash. Now shadow banning, no censorship and no third party can take away your followers.
Back online (somewhat). Does Memo.cash have more users or Blockpress? How have each evolved over the last couple months?
2193d · Privacy
He's always said 'May' in every tweet I've seen.