
Joined Jun 05, 2018

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replied 2029d
replied 2030d
replied 2030d
replied 2030d
replied 2030d
replied 2030d
He's a saboteur.
replied 2030d
2032d · Capitalism
Conservatives believe that in reality they behave irrationally out of selfishness, refusing to follow the rules of the game of life so they can cheat and have what they want without working
replied 2030d
replied 2030d
2032d · US Politics/Trump
Looks like LR is suffering from the Trump derangement syndrom.
replied 2030d
replied 2030d
replied 2030d
*yawwwwn* good afternoon, #FuckingNPC !
"Freedom" in the USA has essentially been reduced to freedom for a dude to piss in a girl's bathroom.
2032d · Capitalism
It is the people who thi k for themselves who see the value in private property rights, and capitalism. Capitalism promotes thinking for one self.
replied 2032d
replied 2032d
Just like a #FuckingNPC to project. 😂
replied 2033d
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