Chrysostomos Georgiou

Joined Apr 15, 2018

Vascular surgeon, crypto- and 3d printer enthusiast and father of 2 #linux #fitness

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1819d · Medicine
How does it do this?
1819d · Medicine
This one blows my mind! This climbing plant can literally mimic the leaves of its supporting tree. V is climbing plant, T is supporting tree.
1819d · Medicine
1819d · Medicine
1944d · Medicine
Most racist/homophobic/nationalistic problems have one common educational/scientific source: People don't understand statistical randomness, normal distribution and evolutionary theory.
1971d · Medicine
1971d · Medicine
Robert Liston was a competent surgeon who could amputate a leg in two minutes. However one day he achieved the impossible. With a single surgery he had a 300% mortality rate.How is this possible?
replied 2041d
How about:
Distributing a tx with a fee and your ip address (in OP_RETURN). Then the server whitelists this ip for x hours? Could this work?
2041d · Medicine
Iron lung. The first mechanical ventilator. It's function is closer to the physiology campared to the modern machines.
2041d · Medicine
2054d · CashID
Could this be a solution to ddos attacks? Requiring a Satoshi to login would make ddos attacks pretty expensive.
2088d · Medicine
For more photos search "baby cage"
2088d · Medicine
Dr. Luther Emmett Holt's theory about "airing" children (1894) taken to the extreme (photo 1934)
2114d · Medicine
Coca leaf tea, delicious! people says that is drug, but its medicine
replied 2092d
It seems you're more into the theme, let me know what you think.
replied 2092d
Resistent bacteria loose their resistance genes once you remove the antibiotic.
So what I meant is we filter out real noise.
replied 2092d
Circumstances that could be critical for your survival. But a feature that is not used becomes a bug in evolutionary terms.
replied 2092d
Imagine we could see beyond our visible spectrum. γ waves, radiowaves, everything. Would it be good,or would it just distract you? Of course we can find circumstances where it is good
replied 2092d
I agree with your whole memo storm. But I would set it differently: Evolution filters out noise. Noise that is real but most of the time useless.
replied 2097d
...will you be more competitive in natural selection if X? seems like this can depend on lots of things
replied 2098d
Donald Hoffman: Do we see reality as it is?
replied 2098d
Not true. An accurate representation of reality districts you from things that matter. So it's against survival.
replied 2105d
I meant
2105d is a trading/ crypto oriented website.
Sadly they wish some kind of subscription.
Use Google cache to bypass it.

Same with
replied 2114d
I mean the skin colour discriminations. The main biological reason we have different skin colours is vit D synthesis, wich actually should not lead to discriminations.