
Joined Apr 25, 2018

I might be wrong, but I am not lying!

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replied 2131d
(You have to think twice before "memo'ing" - because permanent, ENCOURAGING HONEST. Whereas you don't have to think twice before "tweeting" - because doesn't have to be permanent).
Hello world! This is great! Went to, downloaded a wallet, got 0,07 USD BCH free and transferred this free BCH to memo. The transaction happens almost zero (0,00002) costs. Impressive! Cheers
Mining distribution btc/bch 77/23(%)
Nice :)
2136d ·
I'm going to have to go to Manila just to ride that Jeepney.
replied 2136d
I would try other places, but it's colonized the whole planet. I would try other planets, but by the time i can get there ....
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2137d
2138d · Favorite Quotes
Hey my raspberry pi node is down for a few days for maintenance. Sorry if the network is less secure for the next few days as my full node is not processing any transactions right now.
replied 2137d
Thank you for using Bitcoin Cash and raising the number of transactions on this blockchain, come again
2137d · Taxation is Theft
Just your daily reminder that TAXATION IS THEFT. A claim to value produced by another human being, obtained without their permission, is slavery.
Mark Byers
Core last year: You shouldn't try to make $20 payments on chain.

Core this year: You shouldn't try to make $20 payments on Lightning Network.
News sites with auto-playing videos, if I wanted to watch a news report from a guy at a desk, I'd turn on the damn TV. I'm trying to read here. Quit trying to turn the web into your old model.
2138d · Drawing
Venezuela's comic made by me (repost)
2141d · Capitalism
Hey guess what guys, I just came up with a great business plan: we make relevant products for relevant customers to satisfy their relevant needs. Genius!
En Fri Mand
"They will tell you, they are worried, that criminals will use Bitcoin. The truth is, they are much more terrified, that all the rest of us will." - Andreas Antonopoulos
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2141d
Just the knowledge of Bitcoin Cash is worth a ton of money. Earn fiat, convert to BCH, spend, replace with more. In 5 years you'll have more money than you'll know what to do with.
replied 2147d
How about pardoning Ross Ulbricht!
replied 2148d
Sk8eM dUb
This legislation path is a slippery slope of control. Every1 agrees, harming/ selling your child is wrong. (If everyone agrees why do you need the law?)
replied 2148d
Sk8eM dUb
Well, tell all the people from there that've been imprisoned that there are no cops. If it was entirely Ancap, then people could organize, arm & protect themselves. Law prevents that.
followed 2149d
replied 2149d
Actually there is good evidence, that the difference between the sexes are maximised in egalitarion structures not in free ones (look up Dr J Peterson if your interested)
followed 2151d
2151d ·
Therefore, I would like to introduce myself as the Stress Test Arrow Man. Need to know where to go? I will point you the way!
followed 2152d