
Joined Apr 15, 2018

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1957d · Bitcoin SV
No, we want bitcoin that is unbounded, that scales, that can be stable base for the real crypto revolution. Why do you even care about SV at this point? Go BCHing somewhere else :p
1957d · Bitcoin SV
No more splits means BSV will do well. Three camps: BTC small blocks, no HF; BCH medium blocks, experimental protocol 6 mo HFs; BSV stable protocol, massive blocks.
1961d · Bitcoin SV
and a 100MB block as a birthday gift ;)
1967d · Bitcoin SV
Other coins either are anti state, anti law, anti scale or anti people - scams. Without working within law there wont be state adoption. Without scale there wont be corp.adoption
1967d · Bitcoin SV
Bsv will succeed because of the economics behind it and working within existing laws. It benefits companies, honest states and people. Its win win win.
1967d · Bitcoin SV
Obviously Roz. Im just pointing out Sams lack of logic and IQ. Its a common theme in anti-SV'ers that needs to be called out publicly.
1967d · Bitcoin Cash
Avalanche aka proof of stake pre consensus junk? It seems like good idea but it isnt. Ask Ryan today what he thinks about it.
1967d · Bitcoin SV
CSW is major part of Satoshi group. (Incl Dave Kleiman). Only retards dont see it and noone cares if they dont see that. In the end, its their loss.
replied 1969d
Great idea for a centrally planed miners uncompetitive socialist coin.
replied 1969d
No it has some issues. It changes the "incentives of bitcoin", it changes how bitcoin works, it's not necessary, and some others things
1971d · Avalanche
Amaury explains it better and simpler:"Basically, it is like Ripple" RIP
replied 1969d
A recent interview on youtube. >> actuallly, you should know:
1973d · Bitcoin SV
Let's wait and see. What if they do mine 128 or 512 next year? That it was fake? It doesnt count? Just curious.
1975d · Bitcoin SV
This can be said about 99% of coins... including btc and bch.
1975d · Bitcoin Cash
Wondering if bitmain is pumping before q4 ends?
replied 1980d
There are to many idiots that don't understand the bitcoin whitepaper and what it offers. This is why we have shitcoins and stupid changes forced into protocol. BSV needs to win.
replied 1980d
Who is then censoring BSV point of view on r/BTC and hates CSW? isn't it happening? BTW there can be only ONE coin, only with one it really makes sense.
replied 1980d
Either you are bitcoin maximalist or a shitcoiner. There is no reason to have more than one global coin. If you support more, you are against crypto.
replied 1980d
ABC wanted the split to take place. Amaury belived investors win either way. Doesn't feel like winning now, huh? Question now is who can be unprofitable longer before going bust.
replied 1980d
BitPay and are the only things i miss on BSV. Fortunately all the rest, including great devs migrated to BSV.
replied 1980d
BSV definitely
1981d · Bitcoin SV
Hivrapp joined BSV camp!
1983d · Avalanche
If avalanche is soft-fork, can the pre-consensus pow be replaced with pos also as a soft fork?
1983d · Avalanche
PoS pre-consensus, really? is this still bitcoin?...
replied 1983d
Depends what is the expected and actual % change. Maybe your father is in a rocket travelling with near-light speed?