
Joined Apr 15, 2018

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replied 1959d
Great idea for a centrally planed miners uncompetitive socialist coin.
replied 1959d
No it has some issues. It changes the "incentives of bitcoin", it changes how bitcoin works, it's not necessary, and some others things
1961d · Avalanche
Amaury explains it better and simpler:"Basically, it is like Ripple" RIP
replied 1959d
A recent interview on youtube. >> actuallly, you should know:
replied 1970d
BSV definitely
1984d · Bitcoin SV
1987d · Bitcoin Cash
If it wasnt for BSV id get out of crypto completely. If the whitepaper Bitcoin dies Im out.
1993d · Bitcoin Cash
BitcoinSV roadmap is so simple, I finally sleep well. The changes have to be simple enough that average user can understand because that’s the investor
replied 1994d
An attacker can now overtake the chain mining 10 blocks using rented hashpower!
ABC undermined Nakamoto Consensus:
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1995d

How many ABC updates have there been since the fork? 5?
What are you changing? What are you afraid of?
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1995d
Maybe you should read the SV road map.
Q1 2019
voted in poll 1994d

In the case that Memo only supports one chain, which chain do you prefer?


SV is the one with the most committed hash. It also can scale to 64mb blocks already. (ABC can't)
2004d · Craig Steven Wright
everyone who uses `Faketoshi` needs to read this - would be dumb for CSW to actually prove that he is Satoshi; it's enough that Ross Ulbricht is in prison
I'm actually quite looking forward to the Bitcoin Cash hashwar.

A great Satoshi experiment.

Let the side with the greatest hashpower win!
2007d · Craig Steven Wright
This is why I believe in SV:
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2019d
It's gonna be a fun November. That's for sure.
replied 2020d
"Valley Christian."
"No wonder," I said. "So how come you don't go there anymore?"
"My dad pulled me out. My mom wanted me to go there, but
replied 2020d
That’s the thing, I don’t think there going to. Miners don’t seem to know how to fight or don’t want to. They are very passive. It’s a huge issue. Its why BTC is still 1 MB
Appears neither chain will have replay protection on Nov 15th. If CoinGeek maintains majority hashpower, ABC dies (orphans) and BitcoinSV becomes the main implementation. We get closer to Bitcoin 0.1 correct?
Just added topic support (0x6d0c) for Memobutton - This is pretty cool because you can participate in topic conversations anonymously!
replied 2032d
I'll start with purse, and maybe exchanges.
2032d · Liquid by Blockstream
Just another Blockstream's centralised shit, misleading people that it has something in common with Bitcoin. Its a scam... even by BTC Maximalists rules.
2033d · Craig Steven Wright
Suggestion for

Add a building for transactions.