
Joined Apr 19, 2018

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2125d · entrepreneurs
Blockchain apps that offer competitive solutions to conflict resolution would be worth pursuing.
2125d · The-One-Law
Yes. Coercion is wrong in the absence of harm.
2127d · Bitcoin Cash
What is the strategy for countering the "corner the market" attack of limited supply BCH? Anyone know?
2127d · Capitalism
Nah, it's metaphorical in that Neo (the new) morphed by becoming one through trinity, and asserted ownership of his body, mind & soul.
2128d · Capitalism
there will always be abundant supply of unskilled labor somewhere - if it makes economic sense to go to them or bring them in, companies will do that
2130d · Capitalism
trading oil in bch would probably result in utter destruction, if the tales be true of other oil or gold trade in non-usd
2130d · anarcho-capitalism
Where and when has an ancap system been implemented effectively? Not trying to troll, just trying to get an idea of real world application and results.
2130d · Capitalism
alright, no more feeding this troll
2130d · Capitalism
@LightRider, since you've pretty well established you are a trust fund baby who will never work a productive day in your life, tell us how your father or patriarchal lineage acquired wealth, eh?
2133d · memo
casual observation: clear sign of memo's adoption are active non-memo themed topics, all adding content to the blockchain as uncensorable stream of consciousness, which future researchers can study
2136d · Liberty
Is it true that one can become enslaved to biological urges (i.e vice)?
2137d · Capitalism
Yes, the violence will be distributed instead. See the chessboard called earth today as exhibit A.
2138d · Liberty
Who's "we" when you state your belief that "we've" consented to all these rules? It's at least you... but why begrugingly state you consent when clearly it bothers you and you don't.
2138d · What was the last great film you watched?
"The Brothers Bloom" is fantastic
2138d · Capitalism
I find it interesting that Mondragon in Spain is the poster child co-op and the workers there don't hire janitorial staff (or maybe additional) because they don't think they deserve a full share
2138d · Capitalism
I don't think there's anything wrong with the co-op idea, if it works. Why doesn't your friend start one and build something successful if he believes that co-ops are the way to go?
2138d · Liberty
Why do you assume your argument and self-defense will fail?
2139d · Liberty
Can one be at liberty if they willfully submit to laws that other people have written?
2140d · Liberty
lightrider, the only bullshit I smell around here is yours. If you had any vision whatsoever of building something you believed in, you'd be doing that instead of whining about ur victimhood here
2140d · Liberty
LR is there anyone anywhere who is not brutally imprisoned in your view? Cuba? Venezuela? The old USSR?
2140d · Liberty
People live just fine outside the monetary system all the time. It may be more difficult to trade with others without currency, but one can live and achieve liberty without it.
2141d · entrepreneurs
That combination, where blockchain lives and censorship dominates concurrently, may be difficult for some to imagine, but anything is possible. Anyway, there are other angles as well.
2141d · entrepreneurs
Probably economicly nonsensical given the wide distribution of free sources of public domain great works already... but in case of the worst, where blockchain lives but censorship dominates
2141d · entrepreneurs
Idea: based partly on what some have done here. Blockchain Books. Script out posting the world's greatest books to memo and a reader app or add-on to consume them back.
2141d · Liberty
Every man, woman and child born on this planet has something of value to offer, but not everyone believes that they do.