
Joined Apr 24, 2018

“Divide and rule, the politician cries; Unite and lead, is watchword of the wise.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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2160d · Direct/Private Messages
And then notify your addressee with a tip and unique id with masked (using shared secret -> derived encryption key) url to a web server with signed message.
2160d · Direct/Private Messages
You fetch your addressee's transaction directly from the blockchain (spv or full node), extract public key, do ecdh with your private key, derive shared secret, derive unique id
2160d · Direct/Private Messages
To understand this protocol, imagine that you are using memo implementation as a standalone app run on very secure system.
2160d · Direct/Private Messages
BitcoinIsP2PC4$H If you are concerned that your private key is hosted on memo, then simply don't use web implementations.
2160d · Direct/Private Messages
BitcoinIsP2PC4$H The server in the scheme above is not involved in a handshake. The "handshake" is non-interactive, thus you only need to fetch your addressee's public key from tx
2160d · Direct/Private Messages
BitcoinIsP2PC4$H >Maybe we could implement onchain ECDH handshake? -> I am not sure whether you understand what I propose.
The Memo statistics are much more addictive than price charts. Just try it https://temo.cash. When is the next spike? 📈
2160d · Direct/Private Messages
@hillaryclinton memo is already a Keybase on steroids. Except identities are not unique. So Memo on Namecoin is the real Keybase lol.
2160d · Direct/Private Messages
You are becoming dependent on several third party key-servers etc. How will this system be better than keybase.io with their encrypted messaging service?
2160d · Direct/Private Messages
I am not against that, Memo is open protocol and you can associate the key right away. But I don't think this will work, pgp is a complicated setup and nobody uses it today.
2160d · Direct/Private Messages
there can be standalone open source memo implementations based on spv protocol where your keys are relatively safe and you do not need to use browser at all
2160d · Direct/Private Messages
@BitcoinIsP2PC4$H I do not think it is viable approach to design messaging protocol keeping only particular memo implementation im mind.
2160d · Direct/Private Messages
>I do not trust my key is safe on memo. you can initiate a contact with your addressee from different key that's kept safe, and if needed proof your memo identity with signature.
2160d · Direct/Private Messages
>Everything needs to be degoogled too. For example bch.gg and memo sign up will ID accounts instantly: I did not get that. what do you mean?
2160d · Direct/Private Messages
BitcoinIsP2PC4$H, >to avoid MITM message tampering: as long as messages are signed, the signature proves message integrity and authenticity
2160d · Direct/Private Messages
BitcoinIsP2PC4$H, imo it's illogical to associate additional keys if we can do everything with bitcoin keys and some smart elliptic-curve Diffie–Hellman
2160d · Direct/Private Messages
@zhoujianfu paste.city is very nice, almost exactly what we need for a proof of concept! Thanks for pointing out. Will keep you up to date 👌
I have a feeling Memo will extend far beyond one blockchain. Imagine different blocckians as subthreads of the common protocol. One key everywhere, optimally tied to a community identity system (Namecoin).
2161d · Direct/Private Messages
then. The problem is, the memo is so addictive, how can I stop using is for a minute? Will do some chi kung breathing.
2161d · Direct/Private Messages
Ok, I really need to sit down and describe the protocol as a whole with all the tiny details figured out. We can than proceed to PoC implementation, as a browser extension for ex.
2161d · Direct/Private Messages
As a cheery on top, the url during initiation can point to an onion/i2p service, for extreme anonymity and meta-data free communication.
2161d · Direct/Private Messages
2161d · Direct/Private Messages
“...If someone famous is getting more e-mail than they can read, but would still like to have a way for fans to contact them...”
2161d · Direct/Private Messages
The anti-spam filter is built-in (initial tip threshold) , can be large for famous people, just as Satoshi invisioned.
2161d · Direct/Private Messages
The difference from today’s email system is that your are not tied to a particular provider. All social connections are on a blockchain level. You key is your account.