
Joined May 20, 2018

Agronomist working to get Farm Products on the Block-chain

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1996d · Canada
replied 1996d
Tribalism just repeats the past from the original BTC fork. I watched a year of just opinions of who is real Bitcoin. DIdn't help move this technology forward, didn't allow new peeps
replied 2028d
take a heart out of a body, stick electricity to it and show how it works as a pump. That is not a heart but rather a pump. That is science, does it make it right? cant separate...
replied 2047d
Sk8eM dUb
tribalism is just the modern form of divide and conquer. amazing how effective it always is...
during the cruise debate Jimmy Song admitted BTC has poor marketing. BCH has a marketing advantage.
Why then is there so much focus on reddit and developer boards, why not focus on strength? marketing, promotion?
replied 2072d
does half the worlds population "work" no, the go hunt, collect fish, farm, whatever to feed themselves. Do homeless have 2 work? no, they choose. Money is not real unless u believe it
If cigarette taxes are meant to discourage smoking, wouldn't income taxes discourage working?
2075d · Introduce Yourself
been here since May. Lurked, posted, bet on the world cup, yippee. had hoped to find some peeps here interested developing a chain to verify natural growing sources for food. anyone?
such a relevant video. if you don't realize how far down the rabbit hole we all are, already. have a watch of this.

replied 2142d
Been using bitcoin.com wallet and jaxx. I used to enjoy Jaxx but i have not heard an answer why they are still using only legacy address for BCH, seems political to me
replied 2143d
Congrats to Russia on such a well fought defensive upset! that is going to be a heck-of-a party in Moscow this Sunday evening.
replied 2145d
Jay Barney
killing conscious ain't wrong my friend. unless you are a quaker
replied 2147d
got absolutely crushed on this one, wowzers
the FED, st. Louis FED has added a Crypto report.


interesting, what you think?
replied 2148d
real photo of chickens I raise in Philippines and Canada called Flarry Eyed Greys. They are awesome mean looking. hehe, thanks for the like and follow!
2150d · Earn tips
everyone just needs to tip any post they enjoy reading. it will keep growing and going around, I am trying to do it. Are you?
voted in poll 2155d

https://i.imgur.com/KCk9qqx.jpg DAY 7 MATCH #20/64 Wednesday, 20 Jun, 18:00 UTC IRAN vs SPAIN 1) Place your bets as tips when you vote 2) NO LIKE-BETTING PLS Max: 10 mil sats/bet Min: 100k sats/bet

Spain - 1.5 goals (1.45x)

Spain for the WIN
voted in poll 2156d

https://i.imgur.com/e7N2jyF.png DAY 6 MATCH #17/64 Tuesday, 19 Jun, 18:00 UTC RUSSIA vs EGYPT 1) Place your bets as tips when you vote 2) NO LIKE-BETTING PLS Max: 10 mil sats/bet Min: 100k sats/bet

Russia - 0.5 goals (1.90x)

Russia for the WIN
replied 2156d
ok i see it there now, sorry for any confusion. thanks for doing this makes the world cup fun, from Canada
replied 2156d
I bet 100,000k on England, Took the funds from my account but I dont see it posted here. Can you check? thanks
voted in poll 2157d

https://i.imgur.com/cT2QUCP.jpg DAY 5 MATCH #14/64 Monday, 18 Jun, 18:00 UTC TUNISIA vs ENGLAND 1) Place your bets as tips when you vote 2) NO LIKE-BETTING PLS Max: 10 mil sats/bet Min: 100k sats/bet

England - 1.5 goals (2.20x)

England for the WIN
replied 2160d
Spain for the WIN
replied 2162d
brilliant, thanks your generosity. One more thing I love about participating in this community!
replied 2162d
missed out I guess, slow confirmations today.
replied 2162d
love the new days being created, on BCH of course!