Nick E. Neindurs

Joined Dec 03, 2018

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Nick E. Neindurs
saved 1826d
Nick E. Neindurs
replied 1916d
the unity is not infinite, it is unbounded

remember this as we unify our world's consciousness
Nick E. Neindurs
replied 1916d
we are all conflicted at times, we fight within ourselves constantly, keeping the unity in balance requires constant attention and adjustments, once achieved, this enlightenment
Nick E. Neindurs
replied 1916d
every human is but a collective of trillions of cells, we are each the unified consciousness of these collectives naturally driving to a greater level of unity
Nick E. Neindurs
1948d · #911Truth
Nick E. Neindurs
Nick E. Neindurs
replied 1949d
tyrants don't always equate to capitalists
Nick E. Neindurs
Nick E. Neindurs
Nick E. Neindurs
replied 1952d
Nick E. Neindurs
replied 1952d

desktop version is on their site
Nick E. Neindurs
Nick E. Neindurs
replied 1954d
im a fan of delta
Nick E. Neindurs
Nick E. Neindurs