
Joined Apr 26, 2018

I am a meat popsicle.

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sent · 600 sats 1464d
BCH Upgrade appears to have broken the site's ability to post messages, or see new messages.
OK Math whizzes, can anyone estimate the cost in TX fees and the size of all the TXs (# 32MB blocks) to consolidate everyone's wallets into a single UTXO per wallet.
Does anyone else write their full memo post, then edit it down to be more concise until it fits in a single post?
How can you split your BSV out of your memo wallet? When I split before, I moved BCH & BSV to completely separate wallets. But for Memo, I have to keep the same wallet to maintain my identity, n'est-ce-pas?
Woo, dumped by BSV while it was in its little pump. Such low volume on Coinex. Wish I could have done it back when it was closer to parity with BCH. Now I gotta round up all my spare sats hanging around.
Whenever a headline starts with "Scientists say" or "Experts warn" I'm immediately skeptical. These are very weaselly words that imply authority, but overlook the fact that the "experts" aren't always in agreement.
created poll 1822d
What continent do you currently live on?
Asia 2 votes · 0 satoshis
Europe 1 votes · 0 satoshis
North America 4 votes · 0 satoshis
Other (Please explain in comment) 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Africa 1 votes · 0 satoshis
Australia 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Antarctica 0 votes · 0 satoshis
I live on a boat 0 votes · 0 satoshis
South America 0 votes · 0 satoshis
I live on an Island far from a continent (Add comment if desired) 0 votes · 0 satoshis


I'm still looking for one person that changed teams from BCH *to* BTC. I've seen the converse many times now. Anyone find one in the wild that is legit?
The saga of the attempt to grab all the BCH accidentally sent to segwit addresses is fascinating. 5D chess stuff. Still trying to understand it all.
"Why Are Cryptographers Being Denied Entry into the US?"
At least 4 well known cryptographers have been denied entry to US recently. Will anti-crypto policies trickle down & affect cryptocurrencies?
Not a fan of MemBo_r/btc. It's been pointed out to author that op_return's been increased, yet it still clips titles to fit ≈ 70 bytes which just leads to incomprehensible titles. Annoying. Update library.
I heard on the radio that the Juan tumbled last night, well duh, it was Cinco de Mayo. Oh wait, the 원 (₩).
Remy 2020!

To all the people in the path of Cyclone Fani (East India), good luck & be careful!
Are you all hearing about what's happening in Venezuela today? Seems like a civil war has begun. Don't know if it will last or just be a flash.
1858d has a background image that seems to glorify people like Luke Dash, Jr & Greg Maxwell. These guys are kind of antithetical to Bitcoin Cash, the real Bitcoin. Does that seem strange to anyone else?
created poll 1866d
How do you characterize those who have a strong desire to rule over others.
Zealot 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Psycopaths 3 votes · 0 satoshis
God Complex 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Perfectly Normal 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Other (leave comment) 1 votes · 0 satoshis


Lest anyone doubted that the 2 major US parties are the same, here's a story about Jamie "Bitcoin's a Scam!" Dimon, JP Morgan Chase CEO trying to decide which party he should run for Pres under.
Anybody else getting chrome security warnings when visiting ? I guess someone used it to make a shortcut to a malicious site, so google is tagging it as malicious now.
Does anyone else watch youtube videos at 1.5x or greater speed? I find that 1.0x speed is too slow to keep me focused, with the exception of language videos where I'm trying to hear the pronunciations.
Interesting Idea, replace representative democracy with a form of direct democracy, but using AI avatars that each voter trains to have the same views as them.

US Cust. can search electronics @ border w/o 4th amend. protections. Philosophical question, if U delete data b4 go thru customs is that obstruction of justice since U knew it'd be investigated?
Has anyone heard from any of our members in Venezuela lately? The whole story seems to be falling off the news cycle.

US House of Reps Democrat Party Majority passes bill to end US involvement in Yemeni Civil War defying Trump. But who involved US in the war in the first place, & what party were they in?
To those of you that had BTC before the BCH fork, have you divested of all you BTC in favor of BCH? Why or why not?