
Joined Apr 15, 2018

Bitcoiner since $17

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Has anyone heard of Arwen?

Looks promising, if access to centralzd exchange liquidity is as advertised. It's not really decentralized, but with essentially all the benefits.

BCH support coming soon.
Is a memo iOS app in the works anywhere?

You are probably already aware of this issue, but I have had a notification that won't go away for about a week now.

Thought I'd let ya know

ABC 6 blocks ahead - 100 tx/s now on my node.
2000d mines the first divergent block!
My node now at 10 TPS. Satoshi's Shotgun firing away??
25 tx/s
Wow, BCH hashrate just jumps to 4000+ PH/s! Shots fired.
Trading being halted on exchanges... here we go
Taking the morning off to enjoy some hash and a hash war =)

This should be fun.
Scratched together a little desktop widget to monitor my node during the upcoming fork

A 32MB block to kick off the hash war! (which by BU handled easily despite Reddit speculation). SV is up big in hash rate!

This should be fun =)
About to go wild on =)
2008d · Bitcoin SV
Only months before a hardfork with changes that had been scheduled and discussed more than a year in advance.
2008d · Bitcoin SV
They even worked with CSW until a few months ago, when he decided he was no longer going to work with anyone in the community, and instead declare new rule changes and a new road map for BCH...
2008d · Bitcoin SV
To answer your question, I take ABC seriously because they have a long and consistent history of working with the community to develop protocol changes in a responsible manner.
2008d · Bitcoin SV
We will see. This hash power CSW claims to have is still yet to materialize... Is it all currently mining BTC, or is it offline? If it is offline, why? If on BTC, where (what pool, etc)?
2008d · Bitcoin SV
it is clear that these guy have developed enough support (both from the community and $) that it would be foolish not to take them and their ideas seriously.
2008d · Bitcoin SV
The reason I'm taking them seriously is simply because most others are. Calvin / CSW has been all talk so far - I mean, ffs, BU beat them to even implementing their new ruleset. BUT...
2009d · Bitcoin SV
road map, which makes a whole lot of sense and was the community consensus until a few months ago. SV's road map is unclear, other than "scaling now!"
2009d · Bitcoin SV
Ignoring all the characters, and looking only at the proposed changes for the upcoming fork, it is difficult for me to make a decision. On the other hand, the changes fit into ABC's detailed...
2009d · Bitcoin SV
It all comes down to block size, and the fact that the network and software is not optimized to handle even full 32 MB blocks. This is the bottleneck. See stress tests if you don't believe me.
2009d · Bitcoin SV
Lol what? First of all, you need a warehouse full of Antminers to have a chance at mining a block... Raspberry Pis are not the scaling bottleneck... The software is.