
Joined Apr 15, 2018

Bitcoiner since $17

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replied 2029d
Studio Ghibli's most sad and boring movie.
replied 2029d
Lol wtf he got fired for this? That was weird, kinda gay, and not very funny, but not at all offensive considering it was a fucking comedy act.
replied 2030d
No, I'm explaining to you why you are wrong. You just keep repeating yourself, unwilling or unable to address the points I've made.
replied 2030d
be able to deterministic-ally calculate a priv key from a pub key. But tx order is not one of them.
replied 2030d
Determinism is necessary for literally any computer system. There are some parts of encryption (priv/pub keys) where we DON'T want determinism. For example, you shouldn't...
replied 2030d
Yep, the same private keys that are deterministic-ally generated by a pseudo-random computer program, and then deterministic-ally used to calculate a public key and address.
A 32MB block to kick off the hash war! (which by BU handled easily despite Reddit speculation). SV is up big in hash rate!

This should be fun =)
replied 2031d
The universe is deterministic. Bitcoin uses that determinism via of encryption and game theory to work. Read up and stop using buzzwords like you know what you're talking about.
replied 2031d
I'm done arguing with you since you clearly have no idea what you're talking about lol.
replied 2031d
A) verify hash matches the blocks txs B) So the hash can be used to calculate future blockheaders, therefore cryptgrphcly proving the block is built on a valid tx history(merkle tree)
replied 2031d
The entire point of hashing the transactions is so that someone who looks at all the transactions published in that block can easily can quickly:
replied 2031d
knowing the order of txs in a block. That's not how the encryption is used, or even works. Txs are hashed ONLY as part of merkle tree, meaning they only matter for the past blocks.
replied 2031d
No, you are showing a fundamental lack of understanding of the encryption behind bitcoin and the reason txs are hashed in the first place. There is no possible fuckery behind...
replied 2031d
Sk8eM dUb
Imagine you had 10 million Bitcoins and you thought they were going to fly to the moon? How would you feel? See, I can pose pointless and unfounded hypotheticals as well.
replied 2031d
totally unencrypted*
replied 2031d
consensus mechanism to prove their existence. Hence why all transactions are also sent totally encrypted in every block as well.
replied 2031d
No. Every node on the network already knows about every tx. The hash of the transactions does not serve to hide the txs or prevent them from interception. It is used ONLY as a....
replied 2032d
I'm not saying CSW has ulterior/malicious motives, Im just saying I don't understand them, despite having followed the space closely since 2013 and trying hard to see things his way.
replied 2032d
been being discussed since before Blockstream even existed. The radical new problems with no explanation all come from CSW.
replied 2032d
The first time I heard discussion of CTOR (often called GTOR - gavin's transaction ordering, or LTOR back then) YEARS ago... This isn't some new change. Implementing tx ordering has...
replied 2032d
the transactions in that block, not to encrypt the data, but to prove it's existence. So how is the cryptography at all at risk if transactions are ordered a certain way?
replied 2032d
every transaction, what is the cryptographic risk to requiring new blocks to have those transactions ordered in a particular way? Each block header contains a 256-bit hash of all....
replied 2032d
Based on the cryptography involved, I'm not sure how the order of the transactions could provide any sort of attack vector. If the whole network can easily and nearly instantly see...
replied 2032d
Yes, it increases verification complexity (slightly), but how does it make it "easier to attack" the chain.
replied 2032d
8 months since... ? These stress test were in the last few months and were our first real chance to see how the network would practically handle such an influx of transactions.