lilfruini (Nandin Lopez)

Joined Apr 14, 2018

I'm just another guy who likes video games and want to make a difference.

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2115d · #BCHDay
Because no one made a topic on it yet. Let this be independence from governments and centralized economies!
I'm tired of writing.
2129d · Change the World
Dark times bring with it a loss of hope. So, I want everyone to bring their young, child selves: What are one's ideas to change the world?
replied 2131d
replied 2135d
Thanks for using Bitcoin Cash. Please enjoy your support of economic freedom, and know that all discussion here is uncensored, something not possible on the BTC chain.
replied 2136d
I made two votes, and predict a solid victory for France as they go to battle in the game of football!
replied 2139d
Nah, I'd have lost money. Literally both of my Final contenders were wrong.
replied 2140d
Sweden will win against all odds, and some people will be having a great day.
2140d · solitude-betroom
I predict a finals against Brazil and Sweden. No money though, so instead I'm archiving it on the blockchain!
replied 2142d
Why is Sweden's multiplier so high? Considering their performance, you'd think it'd be more likely for them to win.
2144d · solitude-betroom
Friendship ended with Japan.
2144d · solitude-betroom
Friendship ended with Mexico. Now Japan is my best friend. (At least until 2022.)
2144d · solitude-betroom
I thought they could do it.
replied 2145d
Thank you, everyone, for your support. I really appreciate it!
2145d · Free Kick Shootout
So, the attacking side can place the ball anywhere, and it's the defense's job to put it inside the box... Is that correct?
replied 2145d
Sk8eM dUb
United States, not a lot of people use Bitcoin Cash here, nor have an idea of what Bitcoin is.
replied 2145d
I feel better, though.
Thankfully, I still have 1 million satoshis, but so many times have I repeated my dream was to own 0.1 BCH. Considering how greatly BCH is growing, this dream seems less likely.
Sorry, I'm frustrated at my choices.
2145d · solitude-betroom
They were all 1-1 and stayed that way for the second half. Both teams had 45 minutes to score a goal. I'm sorry.
2145d · solitude-betroom
Every bet today resulted in a loss. Better luck next time!
2146d · solitude-betroom
France was able to score three goals less than fifteen minutes apart.
2146d · solitude-betroom
Dang, Arentinians play rough.
2147d · solitude-betroom
It sounds great as an alternative for people who are indecisive or more confident in a team's ability. I also appreciate that the returns are different.
2148d · solitude-betroom
Then it's fine... I accidentally pushed the "Enter button".
2148d · solitude-betroom
Surprised by the win, to be frank. Solitude, consider raising the minimum to 1 million, because I don't have six million satoshis to spare. Or if you have to, then it