
Joined Sep 06, 2018

My goal is to awaken people of new possibilities in the crypto world. To live a better way

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While others wait at the train station looking at there watches, they hear the over head speaker talk of the express BCH train and to please stand clear of the line...nothing stopping the BCHbullet train.Faster,better
Becoming a caffeine addict haha.
Coffee places are a great place for getting people talking about BCH. I mentioned also free promotion of there business with permission of BCH treasure hunt in there shop.Thecoffeclub
replied 2064d
All of this I will be funding myself, as I believe this is a good way to get people excited about the circulation of wealth. No holding anymore.
I will be in next coming months, setting up a community treasure hunt. Like the Pokemon craze we had 2yrs ago, Id like to see families heading out to parks and places to find these hidden wallets.
Sharing our wealth is a better way for our future.
Holding onto money has proved that it causes those to miss out and we all miss out on everyone's full potential.
I see a future where we all share.