
Joined May 07, 2018

Liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people

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replied 1976d
if we have a large enough group it is morally ok for the majority to threaten the minority?
replied 1975d
He may have been blackmailed into pump BSV for a year. This really has to be publicly known as much as possible, he's literally giving away free money to the people like Robin Hood.
replied 1975d
It was posted to Reddit. It doesn't matter at all if it's authentic or not, since it should be fairly easy to estimate how much money he burnt in BSV so far, which is unprecedented.
If you read the bitcoin whitepaper and bought BTC you would feel like you've been scammed. If you read the bitcoin whitepaper and bought BCH you wouldn't.
2106d · Bitcoin Cash
Breaking News: 70% of merchants in Cyprus will start accepting Bitcoin Cash payments. BCH will be added to a leading POS system.
2124d · Networking BCH
Tip me sats, and I will follow you. Which should make your percentage go up next to your name. All about networking BCH. Be sure to follow me also, if you are not already.
2124d · Capitalism
This is why socialists who support bitcoin are deeply confused. Socialism is just manipulation of the ledger, but BCH does not allow the parasite class such access, even with political power.
2133d · Capitalism
Hello world. Newbie here. Just joined and hope to be of incredible use to you. 💪
2136d · Favorite Quotes
Were not trying to overhaul the financial system were disintermediating it entirely If destroying the financial system as we know it will damage your portfolio youre holding the wrong asset
2136d · Bitcoin Cash
The biggest gainer of the recent spike 😉
Made a how-to video about CoinText:
replied 2139d
Conclusion: As long as you don't lose your access to first-tier freshly printed Dollars you are basically destined to control every (Dollar settled) market on this planet.
The standard of living we have today is higher than in all of human history due to economic growth. This happened in spite of the state, not because of the state.
voted in poll 2141d

Do you mind BCH being called Bcash?

Yes, it's insulting.

The bcash name was invented and promoted by blockstream/core to intentionally distance BCH from the bitcoin name. But BCH is bitcoin.
Just installed another new bitcoin cash app https://bitcoincashfootball.com
replied 2144d
And their Tax Accountants would cry themselves to sleep. We need tax reform on crypto. Yesterday.
Im needing some satoshis, hook me up
Memo could very well turn to be the most important venue for BCH free speech:
replied 2156d
business makes money (profit) government takes money (taxes) and government abuses money (war).
2157d · Bitcoin Cash
You ask why the followers? Networking is a part of life. The next member to create a large crypto service will remember me
2160d · memo
+148% - The pewdiepie88 effect ;)
replied 2160d
You underestimate me
2160d · memo
~750 transactions on my memo public key :). I keep coming back. Awesome community we are cultivating here, and with BCH in general! Just like 2011 to 2014 all over again. You all rock!