
Joined Jun 08, 2018

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replied 2087d
r/btc wasn't "founded because of censorship", it was founded 7 years ago to discuss bitcoin, like r/bitcoin. However, r/bitcoin started censoring scaling discussion and r/btc didn't.
replied 2087d
That's what happened to you on r/btc
replied 2087d
Replying to a post on social media != "stalking". If you don't like disagreement maybe you'd be better on a platform like Twitter that enables echo chambers.
replied 2087d
You're the one making insane general statements that define everyone as a slave.
2088d · Capitalism
Point is that it is possible for every banked person in the US to wake up one morning and see that their facebook stock went down 20% in a day and feel just like a small scale Zuckerberg.
replied 2087d
No politician, businessman or even farmer produces everything he eats, drinks and uses as shelter. Everyone trades for something, so everyone is a "slave" by your definition.
created poll 2088d
What's your preferred pluralisation of the satoshi unit? Complete the following sentence: "The transaction fee was 250..."
"... sats" or "... satoshis" 2 votes · 546 satoshis
"... sats" or "... satoshi" 6 votes · 546 satoshis
"... sat" or "... satoshis" 4 votes · 546 satoshis
"... sat" or "... satoshi" 1 votes · 0 satoshis


2088d · test
Trying a different type:
2088d · test
testing an imgur link that's not to raw image:
replied 2088d
More woo woo
replied 2088d
Yeah I agree. Also, even with a few % exchange fees, a wallet with spend-and-replace functionality would be totally worthwhile for a 15-20% discount.
replied 2088d
Or maybe ungoodspeak?
replied 2088d
the PC subplot of recent South Park season was really great. all the PC bros were just virtue signaling. that & PC language is an excuse to jump down the throats of people who badspeak
2088d · BCH adoption is great in a bull market (basically taking profits when you spend), but punishing in a bear market when you want to HODL. 15% discount doesn't matter if you're 20% down this week.
replied 2088d
Thanks for your help, it's really noble what you're doing.
replied 2089d
If we paid attention to what people were saying rather than how they said it (i.e. we stopped caring if they use "bad words" and just listened), we would catch more bigotry, not less.
replied 2089d
This is IMO the true danger of PC. Anyone with half a brain can avoid a list of 10 slurs and be as bigoted as they want because society is hyperfocused on language policing.
2089d · Poetry
'Cupholder vs cuckholder' by PedanticPendant: "Too many cocks had spoiled his bride // Ezra held the pre-stamped glass and cried."
2089d · test
line 1 \n line 2
2089d · test
line 1 line 2 line 4
2089d · Religion
Also take a look at the Wehrmacht (German military) belt buckles from WW2 which say "Gott mit Uns" ("God with us"):
2089d · Religion
Hitler was an atheist you say? Hmmm...
replied 2089d
Rape/child abuse is pretty up there at the limit of mortal suffering, to outweigh it you need something beyond mortal pain, or a "higher power".
replied 2089d
e.g. "if you report this the company is dead" vs "if you report this you'll go to hell and the church will look so bad that many others will turn away and go to hell too"
replied 2089d
Agreed, but I would say there's a limit to what people will ignore for the sake of a secular organisation which is harder to surpass within a religion.