
Joined Jun 08, 2018

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replied 2079d
I didn't realise this until just now - I kept clicking the "♥" with # of likes next to it expecting to see the list of likes but getting the tipping field instead. Just my intuition.
2079d · Bitcoin Cash
Prediction: CFTC and DOJ investigations of Tether find massive fraud. Flash crash in crypto markets, BTC under $1k - the flippening finally happens, but in the grimmest of ways.
2086d · Headlines from the Future
"Decision 2040: Chelsea Clinton vs George P. Bush, an election like no other in history"
2086d · Headlines from the Future
"Western democracy: 4 more years for Kanye"
2086d · Globalism
Crazy idea: trial Andrew Yang's proposed $1k/month UBI on veterans. If you ever served in the military in any capacity, you get $1k/month with no strings. See the results 1 year later.
replied 2086d
Love that quote
replied 2086d
Matthew 22:21 ("render to Caesar..") does so much heavy lifting for Christians who just want to fit in with the laws/society they find themselves in. Islam has had no such luck...
replied 2087d
replied 2087d
A global government could turn into the final monopoly on force. I prefer to have multiple competing states, where tyrannies inevitably lose business and their people to freer states.
2087d · Dirty Haiku
Stone's a bit old-school, I'll carve my words here instead, memo's forever.
replied 2087d
Generous excrement, very generous excrement
replied 2087d
That must be new since I joined, that's great! Also is pretty good - $0.10 worth of BCH at current prices is almost 20k sats, enough for something like 50 posts.
2087d · memo
Idea to help first-timers with no BCH: a single off-chain pseudo-topic (stored on this website only) where an account can post for free but still receive on-chain tips. Just rate limit to avoid spam.
2087d · BCH Speculation
As someone who currently has little disposable income to invest but who will move to a much more lucrative job next year, a multi-year bear market would be a welcome chance to accumulate.
2087d · BCH Speculation
And then a whistleblower at Tether leaks evidence that USDT isn't backed by USD at all, USDT crashes, whole crypto space crashes too because USDT accounts for a lot of trading pairs
replied 2087d
Or to make good people look like bad people who deserve the bad things that the govt does to them (e.g. non-violent offenders in prison, minorities in internment camps, etc)
replied 2087d
r/btc wasn't "founded because of censorship", it was founded 7 years ago to discuss bitcoin, like r/bitcoin. However, r/bitcoin started censoring scaling discussion and r/btc didn't.
replied 2088d
Replying to a post on social media != "stalking". If you don't like disagreement maybe you'd be better on a platform like Twitter that enables echo chambers.
replied 2088d
You're the one making insane general statements that define everyone as a slave.
replied 2088d
No politician, businessman or even farmer produces everything he eats, drinks and uses as shelter. Everyone trades for something, so everyone is a "slave" by your definition.
created poll 2088d
What's your preferred pluralisation of the satoshi unit? Complete the following sentence: "The transaction fee was 250..."
"... sats" or "... satoshis" 2 votes · 546 satoshis
"... sats" or "... satoshi" 6 votes · 546 satoshis
"... sat" or "... satoshis" 4 votes · 546 satoshis
"... sat" or "... satoshi" 1 votes · 0 satoshis


2088d · test
Trying a different type:
2088d · test
testing an imgur link that's not to raw image:
replied 2088d
More woo woo
replied 2089d
Yeah I agree. Also, even with a few % exchange fees, a wallet with spend-and-replace functionality would be totally worthwhile for a 15-20% discount.