Bitcoin Faucet

Joined May 08, 2018

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Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1969d
There is no hashwar. You guys admitted defeat when you had to add checkpoints because you ran out of money for hash power.
You forked away from Nakamoto Consensus.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1971d
So you are saying that the dev's get to taint the code for their own ICO scams.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1972d
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1972d
Charles X is a communist trying to build a second layer for his master.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1972d
There is no problem with block propigation if you take out the saboaged code put in by Greg and Amuary.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1972d
That's the dumbest statment i've heard. BCH devs are limiting tech to force people into wormhole.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1974d
UnitedCorp Launches Suit against Bitmain,, Roger Ver, Kraken Bitcoin Exchange and others Alleging Hijacking of the Bitcoin Cash Network
Bitcoin Faucet
"UnitedCorp Launches Suit against Bitmain,, Roger Ver, Kraken Bitcoin Exchange and others Alleging Hijacking of the Bitcoin Cash Network -"
Bitcoin Faucet
"We got leak of Bitmain Q3 numbers! COMPLETE DISASTER. The company lost $740 Million including losses on inventory and bitcoin cash! And this is not accounting for hash war costs!"
Bitcoin Faucet
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1975d
Avalance is the first step to POS.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1975d
Here is an article that shows how CTOR doesn't scale

All the people with half a brain left you guys.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1975d
That was a really deep statment.
Improving code that doesn't change the economics of the protocol is fine.
The problem is when an bunch of communist come here and concern troll.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1976d
The ones included in Bitcoin 0.1 which blockstream removed.
You must be new to this.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1976d
Not during a fork.
Listen we've been through this already for 7 years.
Nobody is buying your shilling, as you can clearly see from the bch price chart.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1976d
Adding op codes no body asked for and that are not in the white paper.
Adding pre consensus. (Avalanche)
Adding Checkpoints.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1976d
Last time I checked SV was ahead in block height.
Plus when you put checkpoints in you basically admit defeat.
You don't get to decide when its over by putting in a checkpoint.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1976d
Here is a graph showing the leadership skills of Roger and Jihan from the day Bitcoin Cash forked.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1976d
CSW didn't attack BCH, Roger and Jihan did by forking away from the white paper, and removing nakamoto consensus.
If it wasn't for them BCH would be over $1000 right now.
Bitcoin Faucet
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1979d
I don't think you even understand what it says. Remember you're Mike the Retard.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1979d
Nothing on r/btc is real.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1979d
Squire Mining Ltd To Acquire and 1.0 Million TH/s of Mining Assets, Forming the Largest Public Crypto Mining Company.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1979d
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1979d