
Joined Nov 09, 2018

Lets talk about Crypto + blockchain

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replied 2026d
Sounds great! I’ll bring some strippers too and we can make it a BCH party! 😎
Is BCH's upcoming hard fork giving the whole market a run for its money?
replied 2026d
BCH is not new. It is a continuation of bitcoin.
Memo now has such a massive divide within it. It’s super sad to see us this way. Let’s pull it back in guys. We are all here for Bitcoin Cash. Can’t we all just enjoy the show and eat some popcorn together?
replied 2026d
How about some beer and pizza too? Cheers
replied 2027d
Every war is bad. Maybe the fork will be cancelled and there will be no war. I hope so.
replied 2026d
White men are people too
Thats what almost all the tokens/coins today are, and if it "works" whats the point of any upgrade at all
replied 2026d
replied 2026d
Not necessarily. They said on twitter that they will follow Moneybutton's suggestion which might lead to a loss of split transactions until memo decides which implementation to support
replied 2027d
Yes but seeing how this isn't about coins as much as it is about transactions. The trxns on the "losing" chain would just from memo/yours will disappear from the "winning" chain
replied 2027d
Sk8eM dUb
The converse is just as applicable, and there is no sure shot way of knowing which will work out
replied 2027d
White men are people too
Absolutely, but it might be too early to focus on stability. I'm of the opinion that it is better to try different things at this stage and focus on stability later on
replied 2027d
The transactions are protected for now but the user generated content created after the fork could be on different chains and hence lesser users on each of the chains
replied 2027d
Assuming a 50-50 split, a transaction on ABC's chain will not be visible to 50% of current memo users on SV. So lesser users on memo on each chain -> less incentive to use memo
replied 2027d
At the moment, there is shared BCH history and all memo transactions are on the same chain. In the event of a split, which is more than likely, the community will be divided into 2
replied 2027d
Apologies, I didn't explain too well. I understand the hardfork and the changing consensus rules but I question if that will actually result in any hash war.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2028d
It's about 5 million to pop 50 million of shorts. You could easily make a few million bucks by squeezing right now. The longer you wait the better tho. Waste as many sellers as you can
2027d · Ideas to improve our lives
Just try quinoa!
2027d · BCH Q&A
What I have gathered so far is that it is an op code that would enable atomic swaps but not sure how it actually functions
Sk8eM dUb
Gavin's trolling skills are beyond epic.
replied 2027d
Restoration of op codes that were removed (and not fixed) because they did not matter. How is that an "enhancement"?
replied 2027d
Sk8eM dUb
Maybe its just me but I don't get why the "original vision" is so important. Shouldn't we improve with the times?
replied 2027d
Simon Van Gelder
Unfortunately charisma only goes so far. Eventually you need some meat to go with the potatoes, so to speak. The lack of open disclosure from SV has been concerning for me.
replied 2027d
The protocol is ready for either implementation but that would destroy the network effects of having the already limited DAU's on the same "chain"
replied 2027d
Isn't it more like "to each its own" - do with it as you wish?