
Joined Nov 09, 2018

Lets talk about Crypto + blockchain

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replied 1982d
Hello world, im new to memo
replied 1987d
Everything is public. You are misinformed or misunderstand how the software is distributed.
replied 1987d
You can't hide things in open source. I just sent you the link to the code.
1991d · Bitcoin Cash
Why does it feel like this chat discussion here is >50% about SV these days? And why is it almost exclusively bashing BCH instead of being productive?
replied 1993d
It's the ticker symbol Calvin Dairy Ayre recomended BCH take and SV would end the hash war.
replied 1996d
Sk8eM dUb
Now under 50. Sure looks like SV is going to 0
replied 1996d
There is no such thing as spam. If you pay for your TX, it is legit.
replied 1997d
"FACT" They are mining blocks, we know that. It's an "OPINION" That they are mining blocks to Re ORG ABC. And there is a greater probability they are not
replied 1997d
Bitcoin survived Blockstream, Bitcoin will survive nChain, Bitcoin is unstoppable
replied 1998d
Bitcoin Faucet
Bitcoin Cash continues to be peer to peer electronic cash. BSV controlled by a Hitler. Good luck on that.
replied 1999d
For the record, this comment was directed at CSW - not Roger Ver - I very much like Roger.
1999d · memo
First Memo t-shirt
replied 1999d
wow love this. where did you get it from?
2001d · site status
Memo site is running into some issues related to the fork. Doing what I can to keep the site alive.
White men are people too
replied 2001d
I can see you are a man of your word, thank you :)
White men are people too
2002d · BCH Q&A
White men are people too
2002d · BCH Q&A
replied 2001d
Sounds great! I’ll bring some strippers too and we can make it a BCH party! 😎
replied 2001d
BCH is not new. It is a continuation of bitcoin.
Memo now has such a massive divide within it. It’s super sad to see us this way. Let’s pull it back in guys. We are all here for Bitcoin Cash. Can’t we all just enjoy the show and eat some popcorn together?
replied 2002d
Every war is bad. Maybe the fork will be cancelled and there will be no war. I hope so.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2003d
It's about 5 million to pop 50 million of shorts. You could easily make a few million bucks by squeezing right now. The longer you wait the better tho. Waste as many sellers as you can
Sk8eM dUb
Gavin's trolling skills are beyond epic.
replied 2002d
Simon Van Gelder
Unfortunately charisma only goes so far. Eventually you need some meat to go with the potatoes, so to speak. The lack of open disclosure from SV has been concerning for me.