Joined Jul 27, 2019

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Streamanity needs another login method that is not Google or Twitter. Why not support the moneybutton login? I want to use Streamanity but not enough to sign up with Goog and Twit
1755d · Moneybutton
Anyway, I say al this because I wonder whether the CoC chat spam led to the MB problems. Yours.org has also not been able to transact on MB this weekend
1755d · Moneybutton
CoC should have stopped that owner the first day, because it accelerated into the weekend. CoC needs to adjust fee model to prevents city owner chat spam
1755d · Moneybutton
I do know some person was spamming the chat in CityOnChain in his own City, which means that he only has to pay himself. These are MB transactions
1755d · Moneybutton
Are more people than me having trouble with moneybutton taking errors this weekend?
1757d · Bitcoin SV
There is a future yet to be written here. The potential is tremendous. If engagement increases and users follow, advertisers will also.
1757d · Bitcoin SV
This is the vision of a more participatory economy. Unfortunately many people cannot see beyond existing models. They mentally forfeit the ground upon which we all walk.
1757d · Bitcoin SV
People spend much time contributing self-generated content on Yelp and TripAdvisor. CityOnChain offers a better platform enabled by the combination of a geolocated map and BSV micropayments
1757d · Bitcoin SV
What existing high value applications rely on a map? Google Maps, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Zillow, AirBnB, Uber (These just on the US-side of the world.)
1757d · Bitcoin SV
If all people can think of regarding the potential for CityOnChain is to be a craigslist for blockchain, I really can't help you. If you believe that, put down "the cryptos" go play outside
1757d · Bitcoin SV
When I wrote that, I didn't realize it would be necessary to argue the obvious. I did see some unfortunately comments elsewhere online.
1757d · Bitcoin SV
1757d · Bitcoin SV
CityOnChain is a significant new application for BSV ecosystem, even if there are few who have figured it out and are talking about it at this time.
1757d · Metanet
Good stuff
Is anybody else having trouble getting into yours.org to post/comment/etc as signed in?