
Joined Apr 24, 2018

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replied 1785d
I had another offer before that I accepted only after 3 hours have passed. So probably it was not about expiry, and was something else that happened somewhere along the way. 😁
replied 1801d
For future reference, you could've used to get a regular address if your wallet doesn't support the protocol.
replied 1802d
You definitely pay a lot of taxes on AT&T's service. I think local sales tax is one.
replied 1802d
How was their exchange rate? Do they build in a buffer to cover volatility during TX? Sounds like no based on your gain.
replied 1802d
*Most* interesting to me is that this really shakes up the taxable event issue. We have a major company participating in a payment method with an undue regulatory burden.
replied 1802d
My hope is that if we get critical mass on crypto being used, the Feds will have to abandon that reasoning and just treat using it as a regular non-taxable event.
replied 1802d
They could still tax people doing actual "trading" I suppose, like on exchanges. I can't declare a loss because my USD are losing value each year.
replied 1816d
Lmao 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Well played sir
BCH is the Bitcoin I was excited about in 2011 (and still am)!
To the real Satoshi, whether he/she/they may be dead, in prison, under gagging orders, chilling and watching the drama or panicking while watching the drama (if they are spooks): Thanks for bringing us Bitcoin. #BCH
replied 1823d
Many probably don't know how to split their memo coins. Including myself. Are there directions somewhere?
Good morning! Hope everyone has an awesome day🤗
Hopefully the earth won’t be like this when money becomes nonexistent.