White men are people too

Joined Jun 26, 2018

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White men are people too
1562d · Tokens
What are the best platforms for trading tokens for coins?
White men are people too
1607d · QAnon
OK. Q is saying "Here is a picture and a few words, impossibly scarce all in all. Either manipulate yourself by drawing unfounded conclusions or feel I am superior to you"
White men are people too
1613d · SpaceX and Mars Colonization
The only planet that does not need colon-ization is Uranus
White men are people too
1613d · ADD Token (Air Drop Daily) = Scam
I have always failed to see how any of these tokens show any real promise at all. Like ICOs, they seem to be "mostly scams".
White men are people too
1613d · Conspiracy
How about this: CSW is compromised by the elite for a divide and conquer strategy (BCH vs BSV). So he both says/does a lot of crazy stuff and makes the technologically best chain on purpose
White men are people too
1618d · ShowerThoughts
Hmpf, I forgot to buy soap. Well, I
White men are people too
1635d · Tips On Quiting Alcohol
Here's what I did. 1. Don't drink stuff with alcohol in it. 2. ... I guess there isn't a step 2, or was that where you collect underpants? 3. Profit!
White men are people too
1646d · Capitalism
It is great to see some real talk in here, as opposed to the usual trench warfare of "Capitalism is great!" "No it's terrible!" "No, it's great and you are a ...." nonsense and LR astroturfing!
White men are people too
1648d · Bitcoin SV
Anyone have a grip on the social-media-on-blockchain picture for BSV? Weiblock is mentioned above, and I believe I have heard of other plans (but I could be mixing stuff up)
White men are people too
1648d · Long live Pink Floyd!
I like the Roger Waters phase of Pink Floyd! I suppose I actually like Roger Waters (the Amused to death album is amazing), but he was an integral part of Pink Floyd for quite a while
White men are people too
1657d · Ed
User -ED- probably posted the above on memo.sv, and it "automatically" ended up here. He has said a lot more about the issue on memo.sv. Nothing worth reading I'd say, but much text.
White men are people too
1657d · Ed
For those who find all this a bit confusing, due to a technicality, when you make a transaction on one of BSV/BCH chains, the transaction may end up on both. Memo messages have the same property
White men are people too
1670d · Ideas to improve our lives
Careful where you have skin in the game. You will be pulled between these things, often so hard that you lose a big part of yourself while defending them.
White men are people too
1670d · global warming
I did not pretend no one responded, but to me nobody worthy responded. I have discussed this with SILENTSAM before, and made it clear that I find him to be not worthy my time. Same for LR.
White men are people too
1671d · global warming
OK, it seems my attempts at starting a meaningful conversation are a total failure.
White men are people too
1671d · global warming
... Even when they feel the need to prove that they are liars directly with another post I still do not feel any such obligation
White men are people too
1671d · Greta Thunberg
Trying to survive is fine, but if someone (evil?) misdirects your efforts, so you work with the wrong issues then it may not be such a good idea, until you have removed the misdirection.
White men are people too
1671d · Greta Thunberg
Now, the "we have only a few years left" claim, that has been used at least since the 80's, and those few years have passed twice or more by now. That part seems a complete lie to me
White men are people too
1671d · Greta Thunberg
And I think the debate is crazy with people just shouting at each other instead of giving the rest of us data to check for ourselves. Very hard to be totally sure of anything because of this
White men are people too
1671d · Greta Thunberg
Who me? I think the whole debate has been misdirected from 80's where there was talk of NOX. Real environment problems do exist, but CO2 concerns look to me like negligible in seriousness.
White men are people too
1671d · global warming
I feel no obligation to take seriously a liar who has shown that she does not care about her the righteousness cause, but still annoys the majority here with it, and even calls for violence
White men are people too
1671d · Greta Thunberg
This is the age of misinformation, hard to tell. But it seems to me others put her up to this. Also it seems to me that this media storm will not lessen her anxiety to put it mildly.
White men are people too
1672d · global warming
Question to global warming alarmists: Suppose you were wrong about your view on the issue, what would it take to change your mind? How could any counterargument not just make you more angry?
White men are people too
1672d · Global immigration
About diversity: Diversity is nothing magical, it can be good or bad. To use it as an argument in favor of immigration enforced on the population is disingenuous
White men are people too
1672d · Racism
Anyone want to argue in favor of the idea that hiding information about scientific data on differences in IQ between races is somehow necessary? Or that it is "racist" to be open about such things?