
Joined Sep 06, 2018

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1723d · Ed
My review on CSW's article "How Keynes Failed To Comprehend Say’s Law"
Link to the article:
1723d · Capitalism
My review on CSW's article "How Keynes Failed To Comprehend Say’s Law"
Link to the article:
1723d · Craig Steven Wright
My review on CSW's article "How Keynes Failed To Comprehend Say’s Law"
Link to the article:
1723d · Ed
Bitcoin BTC Marketing through Crypto News Outlets is pure P R O P A G A N D A
1723d · Bitcoin SV
Bitcoin BTC Marketing through Crypto News Outlets is pure P R O P A G A N D A
1725d · Ed
So you think you understand Bitcoin? This should blow your mind...
replied 1729d
not today, but hopefully in the future... we are all hoping for this
replied 1729d
Well, you are in BSV so, you're not one of the "normal" people ;-)
replied 1729d
erm... I don't know if you are aware of this but, there is lot of info pointing out that using anti-depressants actually does lot of bad and not good in that it actually increases tendency for suicide? You are better of talking with someone about all this, it works better then these pills... talking to your family (parents, partner, siblings), maybe some close friends also... I don't know your situation and how bad you feel, but I hope you don't do what lot of others do... if you know what I mean... everything comes and goes, bad things also...
Wilson Kerry
Please help me guys.. I was unable to pay my university fee due to some incident in my family. I have to pay $450 for this year. I apologize to disturb this community but i am needy. Got this platform after long serch
2028d · Capitalism
I don't need your respect, I don't give a shit what you think of me. People who are shallow need others to like them, why they don't fucking stand for anything and don't know anything.
replied 2029d
No I'm English and we see no need for a /s !! We love /s , it's a national pastime :-)
2029d · Ed
No problem mate, its done
2030d · Ed
Who is really scamming you by using Bitcoin name for something that is not Bitcoin?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2064d
They can shut down the website I suppose. Once there's standalone clients it'll be more uncensorable than email.