
Joined Jun 30, 2018

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2125d · Capitalism
2127d · Liberty
We don't have to be prisoners of our society though.
2127d · BCH Speculation
Everyday is payday if you trade. Every hour is payday if you trade well lol
Bezos and Buffet have more money than 50% of the USA populace.
yellow rose.
replied 2128d
Maybe. I get the feeling though that the Bitcoin will cover much of our inflationary debt if our country gets in early enough.
replied 2128d
The state has a lot of reasons to prop up the power of fiat. Bitcoin is not friendly to The Powers That Be.
2146d · What was the last great film you watched?
I couldn't tell you what happens before that, but that last chunk is just... It terrified and excited me in a way I seldom feel.
Strange. I feel like we have been conditioned to self-censored for so long with Twitter... hard to stop censorship habits. Am I the only one?
2132d · memo
I made an issue describing a way to add DMs to memo: Please comment/improve/implement as you see fit! :)
2131d ·
heh and fun to see your memo kids show up
2131d · US Politics/Trump
Trump has done more than any other president. I love when people brush off peace and denuclearization with North Korea "nothing". So dumb.
replied 2133d
En Fri Mand
The truth is that there are hundreds of ways to prove round earth with bare eyes and basic maths. There is no way of proving flat earth (obviously because it is a wrong model)
2133d · Flat Earth
People used to believe flight was a fake government conspiracy. Then flight became ubiquitous and accessible to the general public.
replied 2134d
Hi, I’m old
replied 2134d
welcome to Memo Ajishio
2134d · US Politics/Trump
The Bernie socialists are economically illiterate, but they have their principles. DNC laughed in their faces and said "fuck principles, make way for the Wicked Witch"