
Joined Jun 12, 2018

Political scientist, developer, tester. BCH and QAnon support me in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Were We Go One We Go All.

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replied 2085d
Come on cry baby, don't you have better arguments? Like facts debunking my claim.
replied 2085d
In general federal workers are the economic problem. They're leeches sucking tax payer's money.
replied 2087d
Stress_tester_0207, I expected divided by 21. Thanks bro, but you were far too generous (concerning to me). Have a nice day and keep making others happy ;)
replied 2087d
Hi Roger! Don't you also think this is the most sympathetic crypto community. Forget all the BS for a while. I just love this what's happening today.
replied 2087d
wut wut?
Guys, I am gonna pull the trigger
What up with those herds lining up in front of expensive orange buses? Available space is worse than Ryanair. I'm gonna pick a window seat and stretch my legs, have a little nap. Happy these herds arent my accountant.
More than 35K transactions ready to be fired.
Pump up the volume, Pump up the volume, Rock that Beat.
BCH tx volume going INTERGALATIC
Another dimension Another dimension
BCH testers come one
BCH stresstest. I'll steal / use the phrase for this one time: Fired up, ready to go.
*Ding dong ding* Message for travellers at BTC terminal, message for travellers at BTC terminal. Please keep your bags on your lap or shove them at the appropriate places to keep others seats free. Blockstream thx U.
replied 2088d
lol. Same minds WildCard. I am figuring out atm how to screen record all of this. Watching https://txstreet.com/ , https://jochen-hoenicke.de/ etc.
replied 2089d
Wow, this-is-Nice! Thanks for the hint.
replied 2089d
Moon Stomping Ready! Wildcard
2089d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Just finished the dress-rehearsal using https://github.com/SpendBCH/bch-stresstest. Used 0.00220523 to sent 768 transactions successfully. So simple. Are you ready? Yes I am!
replied 2153d
(4) 2-party systems and multiple party systems have both their pros and cons. E.g. in multiple party systems you need to form coalitions. My pol science advise: start with step 3. MAGA
replied 2153d
(3) When you don't have districts and count all votes, the aggregated results tends to a multiparty system(e.g GE, NL). The way you organise elections determines the no. of parties.
replied 2153d
(2) When you vote by districts(e.g. US, UK) and the winner gets all, the aggregated election results tends to 2 parties.
replied 2153d
(1) I agree you have to change the institutions. But, there's something you probably didn't know. The 2-system is the result of the way the voting process is organised.
replied 2153d
Haa, look who's here. The 'salty' guy from r/btc. Testerik read it ;) Agreed, August 1st will be nice benchmark date. It will show BCH performed better than BTC.
Hi Grand Torino. A message to you to put privacy things and blockchain in perspective. CU you on YT Patriot's Soapbox.
2158d · Music
Paid in Full BCH. Pump up the TX volume
replied 2161d
No way we could hold yesterday's 65% rise, but I am just warming up like a diesel engine.
2161d · QAnon
I'm 100% sure MSM is a disinfo psyop. A controlled-CIA lie. https://glaringhypocrisy.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/William-Casey-1981.png