
Joined Apr 14, 2018

Look at our Bitcoin Cash tools at: http://agf.earth/tools.html

Learn more and support AKARI + Bitcoin Cash at http://AGF.EARTH

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replied 2074d
I'm studying for a degree at the moment. I don't know why tbh, but its a sunk cost haha.
Some days I wish I could just drop everything and work on Bitcoin (BCH) related projects full-time.
replied 2094d
Possibly, maybe at least as an option.
replied 2094d
Wasn't planning on it, but it's a good idea :)
My first memo!

Bitcoin Cash, for me personally, is Bitcoin & the vision of Satoshi as per the whitepaper. Hope to make some friends here!
I live in Malta, the Blockchain Island & starting a BCH meetup soon.

Guys, could you please mention me @tracyspacy or @memo in your posts sometimes?!
It is needed to test my Memo MENTION Email notifier. (when you mention me or memo I will receive email notification)
Thank you
Remember what I said about the #BitcoinCash ATM video that's coming soon?

Here it is now!

2094d · memo
Memo update released: can now search ranked and new posts. Makes it easy to search for mentions and hashtags. @memo #memo
devs.cash updated to add a few notable changes
2105d · memo
Ok I have made my rough draft of my summarization of the white paper. What do you guys think? Remember this is for those who have limited computer knowledge BCH for dummies 1 of 5
replied 2118d
There are a total of 5 pages. I am conducting a BCHmeetup for beginners
replied 2118d
Congrats on reaching the first few goals Jkid! Personal websites seem to be a requirement for success these days, hope to see you reach that next goal so you can work on that.
2132d · TxStreet.com
the jeepney project is happening in Manila, we'll be accepting BCH payments.
2135d · BitFund.cash
PSA: You can crowdfund in Bitcoin Cash for your next project, big or small, all funds go directly to you. See http://bitfund.cash for details
Remember you can spend your BCH on a lot of websites here a list https://acceptbitcoin.cash/
if we take 1% fee from every transaction in Memo plus a donate button we could fund the Memo faucet. 1% could be like the commission of a mining pool. Everything transparenct, we can make Memo growing fast.
Memo needs his own faucet and it must not be related to Twitter, nor Bitcoin.com - It has to be inside the new account making. The user needs to complete his account in few seconds and with few cents on it.
For Memo to have mass adoption, it should hide the tech aspect and make smoothly. Signing up and be unable to do anything is unacceptable. I opened a second account yesterday and I realized it's too big flag. Easy use
Spendl A Bit
Bitfund: Free p2p crowdfunding platform just launched! http://bitfund.cash/
I translated Dev.cash site to korean.
Probably no one cares about this translation.But i dont care about what no one cares.im just do what i want to do.
im a standalone korean.
If anybody would like to test handcash app,
I'm $TheWildCard

I'll return whatever you send.
It's fast becoming my preferred wallet,
sleek experience.
An idea: Micro loans for people in developing countries, using BCH.

IMO this is a fantastic way to grow adoption, and most importantly: Its for those who needs BCH the most.

Inspiration from: https://www.kiva.org/
Memo, what if you incorporated a system similar to Yours.org's voting system. If you tip a post early you get a % of the tips that follow. But the original poster still gets like 50% of the total tips.