
Joined Apr 16, 2018

Bookchain.cash, Myself.cash, domains.bch.sx and bChan.cash.
Email: business( at )bch.sx

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replied 1767d
No one's going to give you money for something literally anyone in our dev community could slap together in half an hour, or literal minutes if built on top of the memo protocol
replied 1768d
"1.) I'm looking to collect 100 BCH to start off."

Dude, fuck off BCH doesn't work like that
replied 1786d
Has Roger wrecked our sex life? "Post-Roger Sex Disorder" is real, says Dr. Craig S. Wright.

replied 1914d
>6 slightly modified versions of bitserve with features removed
>2 pseudo-decentralized one-liner dapps
replied 1950d
The point of my original message was that your privatekey shouldn't be stored on other peoples servers, especially in the case of honest where you can't chose to use another client.
replied 1950d
Don't know why he posted this as a vuln, but the issue is still there that you can just run a crypto data breach, get some hits and steal funds without the option for protections l/2fa
replied 1955d
Paid for and funded by Craig Wrights sugardaddy. Irregardless its a shit and centralized cancerware, even more so than, handcash itself
replied 1982d
Unwriter is compromised, there's really nothing we could have done to stop him. The reasons in his article are completely bullshit, and he's smart enough to know that. Money moves
replied 2000d
*If you want Bitcoin defined by hashpower just support ABC

ABC currently has a 3x advantage in hashrate (incl. bmain), so SV has essentially zero chance at winning a hashwar.
replied 2001d
Censorship is done on the frontend (can be turned off), and is at the discretion of whoever own the various communities, so for group chats, the creator and forums the forum moderator.
replied 2002d
And important in all of these except for the DNS is optional and transparent moderation features to weed out bad things
replied 2002d
The most important dapps we need right now: DNS (coming soon), on-chain serverless apps, encrypted email (chainmail?), encrypted group chats, on-chain forums, facebook, file host
replied 2028d
You should just add a option for the receiver to agree that he received what he wanted, and give the money to the seller instantly.
Bitcoin Cash isn't an investment, it's a lifestyle.
replied 2031d
It's just a easier way for developers to build on BCH without knowing everything about Bitcoin. That way we can make amazing platforms for you guys w/o reinventing the wheel ;)
replied 2031d
Its a simple way to interact with the op_return data without having to reinvent the wheel like memo and blockpress had to when they made their platforms.
"BCH has always been a losing investment compared to BTC price ahahahah bcash lol"

This day a year ago BCH is up 95%, BTC up 34%. Since initial debut, 160% vs 65%.
replied 2043d
Edit: Oh wait, you already more or less do that, didn't read the full thread before replying. Should be split automatically though if users are complaining about it.
replied 2043d
It's not trivial, but it's still fairly easy. w/bookchain we split coins into however many utxo is needed. memo could change to switch between 3-4 diff "utxo chains" until nodes supprt
replied 2043d
Sorry, .cash, not .com
replied 2043d
mttr isn't optimized for very long-form content, so this is built on an entirely different proto (https://bookchain.com/spec). No accounts, just pure free and uncesorable books
replied 2049d
En Fri Mand
Go ask some :)

In my experience companies are more than happy to get your money, just use roger's line "The worst thing that can happen is you'll get a bunch of nerdy new customers"
replied 2051d
Bitcoin Cash is the only way to handle the new internet. Zero censorship, zero servers zero domains. Bittube, etc don't have these features, and rely on hosting partners.
replied 2060d
Got "phone shadow-banned" from twitter for preaching BCH, but you can hit me up on telegram https://t.me/theymoskys